Grindea Photography

This week we've taken a slight break from the desert to add some final touches to Arcade Mode in preparation to launch the rework to the stable beta! Aside from the sound effects, we wanted to add a couple of new quests and mechanics, one which is brand new and will probably also make an appearance in some form in Story Mode: Photography!

Above you can see the first WIP of the photography mode, basically it's a camera you equip which allows you to take a photograph of whatever is happening right now. You'll be given quests by a photographer who wants you to take photos of certain things, and once you give her a picture of what she asked for, she will give you a reward. 

Upgrades graphics seen below, along with an indicator for whether it's the right motif of not (not only will Trunk tell you it's wrong, there will be an 'x' showing it as well):

The rewards in question will be a painting version of whatever you were asked to take a photo of. Of course, that means I had to make a few paintings featuring that:

I accidentally forgot to record making the background for the Giga Slime hammer painting, so it kind of looks like it magically manifests at once, haha! Oops... Anyway, here are the three painting that will be available so far, more to come:

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