Treats & Curses Interface

Next up, we'll continue the interface business by taking a look at the interface of one of the more important new features: Treats and Curses!

For this interface the important part is having enough room for a bunch of treats/curses, with a text box featuring a description of each treat/curse, a title bar (so you know which interface you're in), as well as some way of letting the player know when treats/curses don't work together - for example if you have on treat that disables all elite enemies along with a curse that makes them more likely to spawn.

In the above sketch I used the potion interface as a base. There will be a few key differences though: for one, it won't cost you money to change curses/treats, at least not the way it's currently designed. If you're currently hovering over a curse/treat that won't work with the ones you have selected currently, a speech bubble popup will appear with a stop sign, showing you which ones are incompatible. Next to the curse/treat title in the text box will be how much score will be added or subtracted to your score, in percent.

Once you select a curse, a new interface will pop up where you can select which slot you want to add the curse/treat to:

In this interface there will also be a total score counter showing how much your total score will be with your selected curses/treats. In the sketch above there's another stop sign next to the incompatible curse/treat, however this will likely not be added to the game: instead, if you try to select a curse or treat when you have others selected that wouldn't work with it, there will be a prompt asking if you'd like to remove the ones that are incompatible with the one you're trying to select. If you answer yes, the above interface will pop up with the incompatible curses/treats removed: if you answer no, you'll remain in the curse/treat selection screen. 

Now, time to freshen up the graphics a bit:

Here I've added some proper graphics to nearly everything: Muffin's Treats has a title sprite, the pop-up speech bubble indicating which curses/treats are incompatible has been added, and the background is properly made as well. The text I haven't touched though, as it will be added properly with the game engine.

Next, same thing but with Candy's title sprite:

And finally, the screen where you select which slot to add your selected curse/treat to! Again, the stop sign will probably not be used the way we ended up designing things, but we hadn't finalized that by the time I finished making the graphics:

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