The Future of Arcade Mode

Another thing we've talked a lot about before going on christmas break was Arcade Mode. And there's some pretty huge changes coming...!

There's no secret we want to add a bunch of new room types and challenges to Arcade Mode. We have a ton of ideas and it's likely we'll begin implementing some of them once we're done with Tai Ming. However, there are more radical changes coming (though I'm not sure how soon)!

First up, the town will get a lot bigger with many new kinds of special buildings, and you'll be able to choose which ones will appear first as opposed to the way things are now, where the town slowly updates depending on your total score. This will likely be handled by putting up a bunch of indicators for what will appear where on the map (like signs or character explaining what will appear if you if you 'choose' that one in particular).

We're also reworking how you gain Essence! We'd like to reward everyone more evenly/steadily rather than giving almost no Essence to some and a TON of it to others, depending on how well you do on a run. So if you're one of those who don't typically get a lot of essence, you'll likely get more, and if you tend to get more essence than you can handle, you'll probably get less.

There MIGHT also be another currency, or rather a rework of an old one: gold! If we implement this, you'll keep any gold you get on your run + a bonus at the end of each run depending on how things go or how far you get (kind of the way essence works now, but gold won't be as important so we're more OK with the pro's getting more of it). The gold would then be used to unlock the hats and similar items previously exchanged for Essence by the Bishop (he will keep trading perks for essence, but his other shop functions will be moved to one or several other unlockable shops which use gold), as well as other new features.

So basically, Essence is used to unlock perks and town features where you can spend your gold (if the gold part gets implemented)! Whether gold gets added or not kind of depends on whether we feel there are enough cool things to spend your gold on, or if we'd prefer to keep most of it free of charge and use Essence for the rest.
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