Tai Ming Zone 03 Planning

After focusing so long on Tai Ming's second zone, it's finally nearing completion and we can look on to the third and final zone! As such, we had a meeting where we discussed exactly how it will look and what will take place here...

Since the second zone has become quite big and advanced, we agreed that it's best to keep the third zone smaller and a lot more straight forward, in order to pace things well. When you first enter this zone, you will see a weird celebration and a bunch of strange things happening in front of a lot of people outside an ancient shrine! I know I'm vague, but it's gonna be really cool if we get it right!

Next, you'll be sent back to the present, where you'll make your way through the shrine itself. Here you'll be sent back and forth in time seemingly randomly - the time warp thing has gone crazy it seems! There will be some battles and some cutscenes explaining what's happening next, and things are getting quite scary..! 

Finally, you'll reach your destination: outside, on the other end of the shrine, is a meadow with an altar at the end. At the altar, you'll find an artefact, and not one but two epic fights draw close... 

I'm so excited to begin making the third zone now that it's been designed much more thoroughly and I almost feel like the end of the temple is within grasp! Of course, there's still a lot of stuff left (we're still not done with the second zone, after all!), but having it all designed really helps a lot with looking ahead :)
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