Order & Documents

Over the course of the development of Secrets of Grindea, which has gone on for five (5!) years now, we've had many different ways of keeping track of decisions made in the past and where to head in the future.

Unfortunately they've varied in usefulness - turns out, simply talking about something in the group and then expecting everyone to remember the outcome of that conversation doesn't work quite that well. In fact, more than once we've had the exact same conversation several times, with different outcomes, where people have changed their opinion over time, or we simply don't remember which idea we thought was best.

To solve this we've used a variety of documentation methods - we've kept our meetings documented physically through a notebook I've brought to them, and sometimes we've used our "agenda" document (basically a to-talk-about list for each upcoming meeting) to document what we talked about and what it resulted in. There's also been attempts to have a Upcoming Quests document, an Arcade Mode document (with future arcade mode mechanics), and a Story Mode document with random bits and pieces about the game written down randomly.

After trying to navigate through these documents for a while, searching for the answer to another one of our eternal "what did we say about subject x?" questions, I decided it was time to clean things up.

So, over the last few days I've been merging all of our documentation - the quest documents, the contents of my notebook, the Story Mode- and Arcade Mode- documents and ordered them properly in a single Google Docs document:

We tend to merge Swedish and English for all our documentation. Sorry about that... :)

In order to keep things easy to find, we decided to sort this new all-powerful list area by area in chronological order, starting with a "General" section for things affecting general gameplay (such as visible healthbars for co-op), and ending with all things Arcade Mode. Thanks to their "new" (at least, I hadn't seen it before) outline feature, it became very easy to navigate through the content once I was done, but if the feature wasn't available I'd probably created something similar in a regular text document, adding a table of contents in the beginning.

We're very glad to have this new documentation method, which hopefully will save us some time when looking up what exactly we decided after having discussions, and why we came to that conclusion. It is likely we'll still have to talk about some things again, of course, as we do tend to change our minds around - but at least now we don't have to take it all from the beginning again!
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  1. I wouldn't mind seeing the Arcade Mode notes. :)

    1. We have a bunch of cool new room-types planned, as well as more quests and random encounters! Overall, we want to make the arcade runs more exciting by adding many new things that can happen on a run.

      We'll probably add the first of these after the current temple is done (along with the Mt:Bloom and Tai Ming floors) :)
