More portraits, as we finish up the last characters in Tai Ming's first zone! This one is a sentient bracelet, which hangs out with the small bag and shield from before :)


Line Art

Color Blocking



Some details

There will be one more living artefact in this area, but first, here's the person tending to them, a collector sent out to air these precious items:


Line Art

Color Blocking




Progress GIF

Finished Sprite :3

Oh yes, there are more speaking artefacts! Here's actually another bag, but of the more happy kind... I wonder how your old grouchy pouchy will react to that :D


Line Art

Color Blocking




Progress GIF

Finished sprite!

Yes, there are still some portraits to be made! This one features a book reading guy in one of the first zone's upper houses:


Line Art

Color Blocking




Progress GIF

...aaand finished sprite!

Let's begin/end (depending on how you see it) this week with another mixed bag! Still plenty of small fixes to do here and there while Teddy implements multiplayer for everything.

First up, background images for the menu and enemy codex:

Next, adjusting older Zhamla's nose to fit better with the style of the others:

We've also played around with adding memories/ghosts here and there and Tai Ming's present version. These eerie figures will appear here and there across the maps and fade away if you get too close:

We also needed to make some adjustments to the fence in the beginning of the zone, as we've added the painter who moves across the fence as you progress the story. As such, we needed two different unpainted fences, one where he has barely started on the left side, and one where he has gotten much further: 

We also decided to improve the upper part of the map:

Right now where's only the one big rift in the ground, and we thought it looked a bit empty and random that way. So to fix the problem, we wanted to add more:

It looks a little better now - could probably use a few more, but we also want the area to be somewhat open so there can be enemies spawning!
So, I still have a few portraits to do as well. A few of them will belong to a collector who is taking the town's sentient artefacts out of a walk. Unfortunately, the artefact you're looking for isn't among them - but a few other cool ones are. Such as this shield, who of course needs a portrait:

Very basic sketch XD

Turning it into line art...

Decorating it further

Color blocking

Adding some shades...

..more shadows, rendering the crystal...

...and finishing up with some details!

Obligatory GIF process :)

And the finished sprite!

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