Math Puzzle Progress

Work on the math puzzle continues, with Fred having made activation animations for each of the numbers and enemy buttons:

Teddy has started prototyping the puzzle as well, with a few edits compared to what we initially wanted. In our first design, we wanted the player to be able to make any path they wanted, however, as we play tested this it felt boring and, honestly, extremely easy. So instead, we made the redesign you can see below - where each of the buttons start inactivated except one, and as you step on it, 1-3 new buttons will activate depending on where you are in the puzzle and which buttons you activated previously. This made for a much more challenging version of the puzzle which we appreciated a lot more!

In the GIF below you need to start the puzzle on the block with a 0 and end with the block on the opposite end that's also a 0. The second 0 is a placeholder for a = sign button which hadn't been made when this prototype was added:

In this second prototype, you can see a basic version of the puzzle where enemy buttons create an encounter once you're done with the puzzle. The same rules apply here, you need to match the number with the target number (which in the future will be illustrated with magic flames rather than simple text next to the puzzle ;)), but on your path you will also cross a number of enemy buttons that will activate upon puzzle completion:

As you can tell, there's a lot of graphics missing here - such as, you know, the actual caves these puzzles will be in(!) but now that we have a working prototype we can at least be certain that we do like this type of puzzle even outside of the theoretical design (you'd be surprised how many ideas sound great on paper that don't translate well at all when they're actually put to the test). 

Now, next week we'll actually take a short break to recharge our batteries while the sunlight's still with us, so the blog will be paused briefly, with new posts returning as usual on Monday the 23rd! 

Hope you guys also enjoy your summer, wherever you are, and see you soon! ...And should you miss us too much, feel free to join our Discord where we hang out pretty much daily even during the vacation (even if we don't always write, we watch over you always! 8)) 
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