Monday Meeting

In order to get a finalized and proper view of everything left to do for the game and to check in with each other a bit more frequently, we've recently decided we're gonna have (more or less) daily meetings over voice!

During these meetings, starting today, we're going to discuss at least one of the things we've yet to properly establish until we know exactly all that is left to do and what we need to do to finish it up. Today, our main subject was that of books, how to present them, what books we'd like to add to the game, and so on.

In a previous post I made a new interface for books which is in the shape of an actual book, complete with the ability to turn pages. However, due to space limitations, Teddy is worried that there might not be a way to make such a book while still allowing a good amount of space for the text that needs to be in it. After today's meeting we've decided we'll at least give it a go, since we feel like an interface like that would look so much better than just a box (even if our fallback plan would be to at least make it look like a piece of paper, rather than the regular brown box). I'll keep you updated with how our testing around works out.

In terms of books to include, we want to keep a decent balance between informative things that might make the player understand the world and how it works better with more flavourful things like tales of collectors from days gone past.

We want there to be a "quest" (not yet sure if it'll be an official quest with it's own quest tracker and everything) where you can find books around the world and hand it in it to the library to read it. And of course, once you've found all of the hidden books, you'd get an additional reward as well.

We'd also like there to be a series of book by Grindea's top author Penn Wryte, so that you can find Part 1 early on in the game, and then continue to find parts throughout your journey, until you have the complete story. 

Outside of all this book talk, we'll also within the next few days start to send out mails to all of you that supported us in the early days and bought one of the tiers where you get to design items or quests for the game! We expect it will take some time to settle some of the designs, and it'll be easier to find spots for these additional items to be found before everything else has been finished up; hence it's about time to get going :)
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