A Look at a Desert Ruin

Today I've been working on the fundamentals of a new kind of interior, the one you'll find in the desert ruins! I wanted to make something special for it, since it was a while since I made something a bit more 'out there' - the town interiors generally follow the same basics, so I wanted to make something different this time.

What I've done here is I've played around with walls and floor textures, and made some basic decorative things. I'm not 100% sure about the colors yet, I might tint them a bit yellow to make sure they fit the overall desert aesthetics, but once that's done I'm ready to use these things as a base for the remaining interiors I need to make.

The desert ruins aren't huge - only 2 (rather big) rooms are planned, but I wanted to make sure they feel special, hence the extra effort spent on getting a feel for it.

Video showing the progress here:

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