Puzzle Statues, Part 2

Since the progression from standing to fallen statues happen as you time travel, there's no need for animations. As such, I've been able to make both the past, standing versions, as well as the present, crumbled ones:

To make it easier seeing where any given statue needs to go, we decided to keep their boxes on the floor (who also got slightly different dimensions since the last post) in the present, in various states of decay. The alternative would have been to have the statues fall with base and all, but we believe this makes it easier to read which statue is where on the puzzle floor. 

There's still two things I need to make for this room. First we need standing, decayed version of the statues for present times, as the statues won't fall if they're standing next to a statue that would block the direction it would have fallen in. This is mostly to make it easier for us - instead of having to figure out how to stack the statues on top of one another, they just won't break as severely if it means they would have fallen on top of another statue. 

I also need to make a broken version of the glass box in the lower left corner, so it's possible to let out the statu-- whatever's in there. But, that's for another post! :)

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