Slime Card Rework

From one type of portrait to another - time for the slime card rework! This is something that has been on my to-do list since forever, but never felt important enough to actually get around to until now. 

The Slime Card is the first card you get as a collector, and it's also the first one I ever made, way back when we hadn't established what style to use for the cards and portraits in general. As such it stands out quite a bit from the rest, and we felt that if there's one card that should be improved upon, it's definitely this one as it's 100% guaranteed that you'll get it!

Here's the old one: 

And as an experiment, I made a step-by-step GIF of the process:

What do you think about that? I've always thought step-by-step GIFs are pretty cool, but I never thought of making one myself. Maybe I should continue doing some more?

Anyway, here are the step by step stills: 

And finally, the finished, reworked and improved card:

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  1. I can clearly see how you improved since then and I'm impressed. There is just one minor thing I want to mention, which is that the apples within the slime, seem different in the 2 versions; in the old one it looks more like the slime took them in, but in the newer version it looks a little as if the slime is just see through and the apples might lie behind it.
    I recommend adjusting either the size or position of the apples.
    I think this just a problem in the final card, as some of the detail gets lost.

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